DJ Guidelines

Guidelines For Radio Freedom Netcasters

Netcasters who wish to apply for netcasting timeslots on Radio Freedom should meet the following critera:

Netcasters should be connected to the internet using ADSL / CABLE or any other high speed access

DSP Encoder Configuration

Netcasters should configure their DSP/encoder/netcasting software to interface directly with Radio Freedom servers in the manner described below:

The HOST and PORT configuration settings are as follows:

User Given (a port will be assiged to you)
User Given (a password will be assiged to you)
Public Listing:

Title Streaming and Headers

Netcasters should use the specified format:

Setting: Description: The Format is as follows: (a max of 50 chars please)
Description: DJ-Charming - Happy Hardcore Top 10 Show

Netcasters should a use the following in the Genre setting:

Set Genre: Eclectic, Soul, Comedy, Talk, Dance, Techno, Alternative Etc. (Check for more)

Netcasters should set the URL setting to:

Radio Freedom Chat Channel

Netcasters should be present in the Radio Freedom Chat Channel when they are netcasting on Radio Freedom's servers. If a problem occurs during a netcast, and the netcaster cannot be reached, the current netcast may be temporally terminated.

The Radio Freedom Chat Channel is located at the following:

The server used is:
The Channel name is:

Netcasters can use either the Chat link provided on the Radio Freedom Website or they may use their own Chat client such as mIRC to access Radio Freedom's Chat Channel using the address: on port 6667

Radio Freedom Reserve the Right to Alter the Broadcasting Schedule at any Time.